The Secret Proven Breakthrough for Lasting Weight Loss

Do you want to transform your body, drop stubborn fat, gain more energy, feel more confident in your body and ditch the cycle of one failed diet after another?

Shape your mind to shape your body with the Mindset Makeover 5 Day Fat Loss Bootcamp.

Join the Free 5 Day Fat Loss Bootcamp

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    Dorothy McGatlin

    NASM Certified Trainer

    Precision Nutrition Coach

    NASM Behavior Change

    BASI Pilates Instructor

    Functional Nutrition & Metabolism Specialization

    Who am I?

    I specialize in supporting women in transforming their bodies through behavior change, sustainable nutrition, workouts and so much more.

    Helping you find joy in the journey and creating a body you love, by loving and caring for the body you have. No fad diets, needed.

    What you will get?

    • Science backed proven guide with the 5 musts for weight loss

    • Simple 5 day bootcamp sent straight to your inbox each morning to makeover your mind and body

    • Brand NEW Bonus resource to transform your meals and mindset in 4 easy steps.